iMac Hard Drive Madness

I have had an issue recently with my hard drive going effing bezerk.  It would sit there and spin like mad, make all the noise in the world and take up resources like it was a blue whale sucking in ocean water.  It was driving me nuts.  Oh.. and one […]

Get your Christmas Pebble Watchface

I was messing around with a couple Christmas watch faces for my Pebble.  I think things got a little out of hand with creating them.  Initially I wasn’t going to share them out.. but decided to.  I grabbed some images from the web.. and  hadn’t sourced the clip arts.. if […]

Windows Phone Omnigraffle Templates

I had come across some old templates I made while working on something else..but hey, a revival is a revival.  They are a bit dated, but still useful. They are original Windows Phone 7 templates. Find them on Graffletopia here