I’ve decided that I have been pretty slack in my tracking of goals, tasks and well.. overall efficiency. Sometimes I feel as if I am spending too much time trying to be productive and less time ACTUALLY being productive. (if that makes sense). I have a bit of OCD when it comes to trying to get things done. (in the true GTD sense).
I decided that this year I am going to focus on improving by going back to what I know has worked in the past. For me it has been about a simple task list by project with clarity around what I want to get done for the day and week. What I found worked in the past was using the Emergent Task Planner from David Seah. This allows me to write down my appointments and tasks for the day, then track them. For me, writing things down has proven to be a better mental reminder over digital only solutions. By writing it out each day it forces me to think about it and “makes it real” for me.
I was trying to get by with only using Evernote reminders to track tasks. I think I found myself worried about tracking things in Evernote and not actually DOING all of the things I was tracking. Getting back to basics for me with ETP and a task list is more effective.
I bought the smaller sticky pad of ETP to use in my Moleskine notebook. You can get them on Amazon here. My goal is to stick to using these and make sure I track to my weekly and quarterly goals with more personal accountability. I don’t necessarily think I have NOT been doing everything I want for work and personal goals.. but I do think I have had less accountability for them personally. This is going to be my attempt to fix this.
I am going to try to post more often as well, and this should include updates on how things are going. Stay tuned for more..